Should Have Listened to My Mother Podcast

While Mum Worked, Nana Was There to Show Us Love with Guest Director of Football at Hamilton Academical, Gerry Strain

Episode Summary

They say hindsight is 20/20 and my guest, Gerry Strain, says it so beautifully when looking back on how hard it was for his single mother to raise him and his younger brother in Scotland. When Gerry says " when I look at it through adults eyes," he clearly understands what a challenge it was for his mother, Catherine, to put food on the table and keep a roof over their head. "It was an interesting childhood. We understood poverty," reflects Strain. Catherine worked many jobs including cleaning homes, cooking and as a home health aid in order to make sure her boys had food, clean uniforms for school and a place to call home. When Catherine was working late hours, the boys loved spending time with Nana, their grandmother. She was able to show them true love and they felt very comfortable talking freely to her. Gerry feels so blessed to have had both women in his life.

Episode Notes

Gerry Strain is a former Football player in Scotland. He played Football ( known as Soccer in America) for many many years and eventually he had to come to the understanding that he wasn't going to rise to the professional level that he aspired to for many reasons. He feels it had a lot to do with not being from the proper socio-economic class.  Eventually, Gerry became an agent and now he's the Director of Hamilton Academical Football Club. 

When Gerry first contacted me, he sent me a list of women that have impacted his life. First and foremost, his mum and nana. Then he went on to mention his wife, Jennifer, his aunt Marie, his daughter, Grace and several co-workers and employers. Gerry is such a gracious Scott. Considering his experience growing up, Gerry shares stories of how his relationship with his mom was stained. He missed having a father that was a main stay in his life. That said, Catherine was on her own and was trying to do her best.  Strain offered this as a description of his mother, " mom's biggest strengths were also her biggest weaknesses." Gerry says he has this same instinct, "the generosity and giving aspect."

Gerry says that his mother taught him to watch out for not only his brother, but for his friends, family and neighbors. Though Gerry didn't have much,  there was always someone in their neighborhood that was lonely and in  need, if not food, at least companionship.  Loyalty is one of the many gifts his mum taught him. "I have the same circle of people around me as I've had all my life. They're in that circle because I know they love me and care about me," continues Gerry. "But my own personal aspirations are to be as financially secure as I possibly can and earn as much as I can. I like to do a lot of positive things. I don't want to be wealthy  to be the wealthiest guy in the room. I want to be wealthy so I can make a difference to someone."  One of Gerry's favorite sayings is "your network is your networth."

Nana, whose name was Josephine, played a different role in Gerry's life than his mum did. "She played a mothering role and I could tell her anything," according to Gerry. "I could have robbed a bank and committed fifteen murders and my Nana would have said I was innocent." My guest describes his Nana as a great woman, very strong, vary staunch in her beliefs and convictions. She taught both boys about loyalty, and what you should expect back and where you draw the lines.