Should Have Listened to My Mother Podcast

“Her Affection Came with Strings Attached” with Guest Podcast Host, Author and Construction Coach, Elinor Moshe

Episode Summary

My guest this week is Elinor Moshe, an Israeli Australian, born in Australia and working in the construction industry for years. She's joining us to share stories of her mother, Hava. It's been a journey for my guest to try to understand and/or set herself free of her mother's emotional manipulation, lack of accountability, melodrama and more. Elinor is a thought leader, coaching others in the construction industry and beyond in "deconstructing yourself to find your truth and honoring yourself. She learned years ago, when she was just starting out, that "she compromised a large part of herself just to fit in." Today, she's an award winning author, podcast host and construction coach, directing future leaders and industry professionals.

Episode Notes

Elinor is definitely driven professionally and personally. She's been studying, exploring and researching how or why she feels as though she had lost her true self, and now she's doing something about it. She's written several books, won many awards for her approach and understanding of bringing "the best of you" forward and getting the best payoff possible.  This approach has helped many  personally, which in turn has helped them professionally.

There's no doubt about it, Elinor and her mother, have lots of issues, as do many  sons and daughters. Elinor explained how her mother's love came with "strings attached and/or waiting for the other shoe to drop." It started when Elinor was very young, four years old, and she realized that she was unable to speak her truth. She became the martyr always trying to save her mother.

Through hypnosis, and an analysis of  her female  lineage from her mother's side of the family, she came to understand that "they had forgave their desires and they had all forgone their dreams and my guest didn't want to continue down this spiral. She wanted to break this chain and be a spirited, wise and inspirational voice for others.

Lots more to this story and you're able to learn more from Elinor on her podcast, Deconstructing YOU.  

In 2025, "Powerhouse In Prison" Elinor's next book will be published and she goes into details about "the mental shackling that diminishes the experience of yourself and how that plays out. When you break the ceiling, the walls come caving in."  She admits, "she had to break down to break out."

Hope you enjoy this conversation. Please like and leave a review on Apple podcasts, YOUTUBE or where ever you listen.

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